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Soul Healing & Empowerment Workshop

Fri, Jan 05


Sacred Tree Herbals

You, your Soul, in truth and in its purity, is limitless creative love and light. All suffering, whether it be physical dis-ease, emotional pain, mental illness, or negative and limiting thought patterns - stems from the illusion that you are separate from Great Spirit, God.

Soul Healing & Empowerment Workshop
Soul Healing & Empowerment Workshop

Time & Location

Jan 05, 2018, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Sacred Tree Herbals, 48 Main St Suite C, Meredith, NH 03253, USA


About the event

You, your Soul, in truth and in its purity, is limitless creative love and light. All suffering, whether it be physical dis-ease, emotional pain, mental illness, or negative and limiting thought patterns - stems from the illusion that you are separate from Great Spirit, God. This is the deepest wound, the Spiritual wound, and all feelings of unworthiness, fear, and guilt come from this false belief in separateness. So, why this illusion in the first place? Why do you think what you think, feel what you feel, and experience what you do? By awakening your heart, aligning with who you truly are, and understanding your reason for being, healing takes place. Your light is restored. Whatever you are suffering from, whatever you are seeking, your answer to peace, balance, and healing lies here. And the You.

We are creative beings, whether we are aware of it or not. Every moment, we are creating. Every thought, feeling, word, action, has energy behind it and takes form in some way. This applies to everything. Our job, relationships, health, overall experience, and our very existence as a whole. We are quite literally who we think we are, and experiencing exactly what we believe. So, how do you change your experience? How do you create into existence the life you dream? You must become aware of, and then aligned with who you are in truth. This awareness is attained through heart perception, and it is from here where you are able to choose and create from fully in your power. By seeing what is true and choosing that, by reaching for love, all that is not you simply falls away. And the light fills you in. You come more fully into your Being. This is Soul Healing.

Creation is experience. Self remembrance, and experiencing who you, who we are. As One. As Love. As unbounded creative potential. It is your Soul's individual, and our collective, beautifully magnificent love story. And you are supported, loved, and guided by the whole universe as you embark on this adventure of awakening your heart, and freeing your Soul.

Decide to turn to yourself for what you seek

Understanding Why- Creation and Experience

See Yourself/Self Discovery- What makes you, you

Experience your connectivity (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical)

The Power to Choose


Energies- Patterns, Thoughts, Emotions, Attachments

Creating into Existence- Manifestation

Your world will change right before your eyes. How you see yourself. How you feel about yourself. Your physical health. Your thoughts about yourself. Your thoughts and feelings about others. What you believe is possible. You will start to not only feel but experience your limitlessness. There is no box. The canvas is blank, and you may choose to create what you dream. Your entire being and experience will shift in dramatic ways. Love, acceptance, joy, and peace will be more and more prevalent. You will understand the true meaning of balance, giving and receiving. You will become attuned to the creative life force of the universe pulsing through you and what that means.

You, Through Direct Revelation of your own, experience your limitlessness and your Oneness with Spirit, All-That-Is. You are the answer. I simply meet you where you are, guiding and empowering you with what you need to restore your light, live your truth, and heal.


Lauren Wargo

Shamanka, Herbalist

Soul Retrieval, Extractions,

Power Animal Retrieval, Divination(Insights),

Connect with your Guides, Transmutation of Energy, Manifestation

(603)707-0424,,, @throughdirectrevelation


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